Saturday, January 16, 2010

OCD Forum - How Do I Get Rid of OCD?

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that, I'll tell you what.

OCD has been around ever since man has and it affects all classes of people, the rich as well as the humble.

The homeless man that wanders the streets aimlessly or Howard Hughes who built a great empire.

Either way, obsessive thoughts do not discriminate. What can realize about OCD is that there is a trend a thread that lies through all cases.

Have hope because I am going to reveal that trend to you right now!

OCD is created by you as a coping mechanism. It's important for you to understand that OCD that is not addressed will get worse and worse because by doing the rituals, you are teaching your nervous system to perform the rituals of OCD. What I mean by rituals are like the obsessive hand washing, touching, counting, repeating mantras, etc.

People that do not have OCD don't think about it. They don't feel the urge to do things to control a situation.

Don't try to control a situation by doing something you clearly know could not possibly help.

OCD is a crazy monster that we create. It's a paper tiger. You can also call my program the paper tiger method, which is what I was going to call it at first. But I think ocd-gone-in-seven-days is better. I named it that because it's very realistic for you to be able to get over OCD within seven days.

See the change happens instantly, you have OCD, you have OCD, you don't have OCD.

You don't have OCD when you stop performing the rituals that you feel like you've got to do. Then over time, those urges will fade because every time you ignore them, the less power and significance they will have in your life and you will teach your nervous system to do positive actions and not perform rituals by not doing them.

Our nervous system learns by repetition, not by talking. That is why we can know how to play a chord on the guitar, but it takes a while for our hand to be able to play the chord the same way we envision it.

Take action: There is a lot more things that must happen to become OCD Free, but this will set you off in the right direction! God bless!

For more instantly usable free information click: "OCD Forum"

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

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